2023 Week 22 Product Updates

Feature #1 - Recipe Unit Sale Price

We have added Unit Price to the Recipe items with a button to set the main line item sale price based on the sum of the Recipe items.

Unit price is added to the Recipe items. It defaults to the base sales price of the Product when the Recipe item is added and the user can update it if needed. 

The total price of the Recipe items is shown at the top.

There is an update button next to it which updates the unit sale price on the main line item to the total price of the Recipe items. 

Feature #2 - Color Coded Status on Worksheet

The line items popup window now shows a Status in the header.  This Status can be color-coded with an icon, and will appear on the Worksheet view.

Using the “Hamburger” Button to open the line item popup on any Event will now show a Status in the header of the window.

The list of available Status options can be configured by us (and you too eventually!) with specific colors and icons to match your workflow.  Please let us know if you’re interested in using this feature.

This Status will appear on the Worksheet view of the Event.

Feature #3 - Updated login screen

We have updated all applications to have a consistent login screen and added Google single sign on for the Settings and Jobs app (Alpha)


2023 Week 20 Product Updates